Mobile Innovation | Indonesia

Mobile OA​​

MobileOA is a convenient smartphone app that makes it possible to use GPS/mobile communication links to record work arrival/departure times, monitor employee’s movement, and manage work attendance. Employees can also apply for overtime or vacation, submit photo-attached reports from smartphone.

What can Mobile OA do?​

Your tasks will be much easier with MobileOA

Consolidated management of work attendance and mobile status is possible when you can see the movements of out-of-office staff!

Sample Use case​​

In the case of salesperson, MobileOA can be used to support sales activities and increase organization’s credibility with punctual visit. Data can also be used to analyze successful sales behavior.


Salesperson can check-in outside the office via smartphone and can start working without having to enter the office.


With GPS, the administrator can see where salesperson is. Data can be used to confirm travel expense so that an actual allowance can be paid.

Sending report

After visiting customer, salesperson can send the report to the administration, reducing the miscalculation in report from illegible handwriting.

Attaching pictures

Pictures can be attached and send together with the report to make the enquiry more tangible and clearer.


After work, salesperson can check-out outside the office via smartphone without having to return to the office.

In the case of mechanics, MobileOA can be used to support mechanics activities. mechanics will be able to claim for various expenses in real time.


With GPS, the administrator can see whether mechanics has already arrived at customer’s place or not.

Inspection report

After performing an inspection, the inspection report can be made and send via smartphone. Mechanics can claim for various expenses in real time.

Attaching pictures

Pictures of where the problem occurs can be attached and send together with the report. Administration can also print out the inspection report,

Customer’s signature

Customer’s signature can be taken as a confirmation that the inspection has already finished.

In the case of delivery man on motorbike/truck, MobileOA can be used to help delivery man achieve work objectives and follow the organization’s rules.


When delivery man starts working, delivery man can check-in outside the office via smartphone.

Report & pictures

Pictures of parcels can be attached with the report and send with the location. Administration can print out the delivery report.

Customer’s signature

Customer’s signature can be taken as a confirmation that the customer has received the parcel.


When delivery man finishes working, delivery man can check-in outside the office via smartphone.

In the case of driver recruitment agency, MobileOA can be used to manage driver via an application in real time and motivate staff with transparent evaluation system.


When the driver checks in, the arrival time will be recorded and send to the server.


With GPS, the administrator can see the driver’s current location in real time, understanding the staff’s behavior.

Driver’s record

Driver’s record can be created into electronic form, which is easy to handle, reducing the verification process and time.

Customer’s signature

The driver can use smartphone to take the customer’s signature.


When the driver checks out, the departure time will be recorded and send to the server.

Product Enquiry / Request for Quotation